I have to confess that I do not own a TV, I used to and sold it about a decade ago. So I feel like a bit of a fraud as we arrive at ITV. Not for a chocolate show but to tempt celebs (most of whom I only recognise by the fuss others are making around them) and production alike with a huge display and lots of samples of our chocolates. Set up begins early doors at 10am. After all the best time to eat chocolate is all the time and who wouldn't want a salted caramel biscuit to dunk in their mid-morning cuppa amidst the madness of TV production?
The one thing I have learnt with TV crews filming at our atelier is how hectic and inefficient the process is. Often hours of footage shot by a small army end up being less than 20 seconds on screen. Very different from making chocolate and I think it will stick to chocolate! Our spot in their huge dining facility is filled with salted caramels, bars, truffles, and fudge. And it was the fudge that made us famous on this day. Within an hour we have almost sold out of all the Salted Caramel Fudge. Word of mouth spreads and ITV staff members run down to grab some of the fudge for themselves, caramel or other. My favourite is the ultimate dark chocolate: a fudge that actually tastes of chocolate. Before the lunch rush even begins were completely out.
The lunch rush comes and with it does a flurry of eager ITV production teams to get their post-lunch treat. Bars on bars on bars fly off the table and into the hands of those needs a dose of endorphin stimulating cocoa to get them through their afternoons. With lots of chat and lots of chocolate we soon lose track of time and before we know it, it is 2.30pm and time to start packing up the little that we have left and head back to my beloved books feeling slightly like i have committed adultery.
Have a bookish week, Miss Anne x
The one thing I have learnt with TV crews filming at our atelier is how hectic and inefficient the process is. Often hours of footage shot by a small army end up being less than 20 seconds on screen. Very different from making chocolate and I think it will stick to chocolate! Our spot in their huge dining facility is filled with salted caramels, bars, truffles, and fudge. And it was the fudge that made us famous on this day. Within an hour we have almost sold out of all the Salted Caramel Fudge. Word of mouth spreads and ITV staff members run down to grab some of the fudge for themselves, caramel or other. My favourite is the ultimate dark chocolate: a fudge that actually tastes of chocolate. Before the lunch rush even begins were completely out.
The lunch rush comes and with it does a flurry of eager ITV production teams to get their post-lunch treat. Bars on bars on bars fly off the table and into the hands of those needs a dose of endorphin stimulating cocoa to get them through their afternoons. With lots of chat and lots of chocolate we soon lose track of time and before we know it, it is 2.30pm and time to start packing up the little that we have left and head back to my beloved books feeling slightly like i have committed adultery.
Have a bookish week, Miss Anne x